Saturday 2 March 2013

Sudden Realization ..

So over the last few days I've just come to the conclusion that i need a life style change.. at the moment all i do is go out for days on end clubbing/raving and doing stuff I really shouldn't do.. Instead of spending my money on things that I shouldn't I'm going to go out in the day go for lunch see London (instead just south London in the early hours of the morning).. I want a complete change, that means DIET, FITNESS, JOB, NEW FRIENDS, & GO OUT NEW PLACES..
I've read its a good idea not to tell people what your doing so they don't bring you down, that's exactly what I'm going to do but I'm lucky since my best friend is doing exactly the same as me..
Everyday starting Monday the 4th of march i'm going to go on a mile walk everyday and diet diet diet, Look for jobs, Blog & be a more positive person..
Instead of reviewing products, beauty & fashion I'm also going to make this into a more lifestyle blog after seeing Rosie Londoners blog I've got such inspiration!

Wish me luck!

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