Saturday, 1 June 2013

My Day At Richmond Park...

So like I said in my last blog post.. I'm trying to be more healthy and active so since it was a nice day thought I would take a walk round Richmond park with my sister!

 as you can see I was in the mood to take pictures, This park has SO much to offer, stunning views, great walking spots.. deer just roaming about.
It's the perfect place to have a picnic .. go for a drive through or take some amazing photography.
Hope you liked the photos

Back to square one..

So after not blogging for a while a lot has changed! I lost my job (long story turns out the company were a bit dodgy) and I swear I've put loads of weight on!
SO.. back to the drawing board!
Today I went on a 6 mile walk round Richmond park and then had a healthy dinner.. no more distractions this time I'm fucking determined!
Also majorly Job hunting.. I did go on a interview last week and then a second one but I just didn't understand so left half way through! haha (don't recommended that one!)
so yeah basically this month I've got a lot of fun nights out /days out planned witch will end up in a funny situation so I'll be blogging about them! Just need to regain my focus!
