Friday 19 April 2013

Postitivey Pays Off !

For the last year and a half I've been out of full time work, being going out drinking and (other stuff) most weeks and hanging around with the wrong group of people.. But about a week ago I had enough, I deleted my facebook, changed my number and blocked all communication from the wrong people...
Basically negative people who make you do bad things and are bad people are only going to bring bad things into your life.. So i got rid of it all! from now on I'm all about the positivity.

I started volunteering 1 day a week at a RSPCA charity shop, It was SOO much fun! I gained a lot of experience, Looks good on my CV makes me feel good and made some nice new friends!
& today I got a phone call from a place I had a interview at a couple months back offering me a Full time job starting monday.

So basically I just wanted to say if you were going through something similar then only have nice and genuine people who want the best for you around you, do something that you love and eventually everything will work out!

good luck xoxoxo

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