Thursday 12 September 2013

Winter Baby!

So it's no secret that I'm a huge lover of winter, the weather, the fashion, the time of year, Christmas, Halloween, new year, festivity's, decoration, food.. The films AKA (Home alone (; ) And this year it's no different.
I'm already getting in all my winter fashion..

  • Fur coats
  • Chunky Knits
  • Boots
  • Scarfs
  • Jumpers
I cannot wait! This year I 100% want to go to winter wonderland again, It's so magical and I LOVE it there, Already planning all the pictures I can take there!
I saw this picture on Tumblr and just thought how amazing would this be on a winter day, rain out the window, Harry Potter on the TV & a cup of tea!
This is what winter is ALL about... Fairy lights everywhere twinkling to make the place beautiful, I cannot wait for London to be transformed into Wonderland!

Also how beautiful is this! Venice Italy in the snowy winter.. Just makes me want to travel there even more... Looks amazing!

I cannot wait for this winter and all the memories to make cringe as it is haha..


Wednesday 10 July 2013


So this year for London Gay Pride Soho was out of the cards, felt like changing it up so I got a ticket to Summer Rites, a gay festival in Shoreditch! The day started with the night before actually, for some reason I thought it would be a good idea to do a west end / soho bar crawl the night before pride, this is how it went down!
Met my friend for a jagerbomb, glass of wine and a vodka lemonaide in G-A-Y, then headed off for a bottle of wine in KU Bar, then went to Penthouse for 2 long island ice tea's EACH, then slummed it to picadilly insitute for chips, pizza & coke! (needed a break).. then went to Escape for a vodka lemonaides! then went to Comptons for smirnoff ice's.. back to G-A-Y for more jagerbombs... then to man bar (to steal there internet)! then train home and went to a wetherspoons for WKD! ( was a long night!)

So we woke up the next day, feeling like SHIT! had breakfast, had a dance, had a bump (; then got ready for our day! We got to London Waterloo and jumped into a taxi to Barbican, we were going to a pre party in a penthouse mansion to meet my friends friend a drag queen who was getting us in!
When we got there it was amazing! like 5 floors of pure amazingness, the roof terraces where my fave part! ( I love me a roof terrace!)

All of us getting ready for summer rites (I'm in the leopard print ;])
Loving life on the roof terrace! (banter with the builders in the building opposite)

Taxi Photo's! Whenever i have a bit of money i always feel like I'm too good for public transport, and i have to get a taxi everywhere!

After loads of pictures and make up later we hopped in a cab to shoreditch and got to summer rites! we go to the VIP entrance and i see my friend who i was planning to meet in there so it was great not having to look around, that would of been effort! The event had a bout 8 arenas and lots of stalls and bars & rides!
We walked around, bumped into old friends, bumped in general, danced, took pictures, saw celebs in VIP aka kerry katona! haha loving life.. I then bumped into an old friend that gave me a access all areas pass so I could go anywhere in the whole venue!

The day came to a close (after running round trying to find my friends) we jumped into a cab and headed off to WE party. WE party is probably my FAVE party in London, it's held at the coronet theater in Elephant and Castle and has the best DJ's and gogo dancers and is packed full of hot men! haha.. We got VIP passes so just walked straight in, was FUN!
I danced in the DJ box, smoked in the staff smoking area, bumped in the GOGO dancers dressing room and met loads of new people... There's some cool chairs right at the top for shows i guess and its so much fun sitting on them and and people watching and dancing my little heart off!

After WE party we jumped into a taxi and headed off to Vauxhall (the motherland for raving!) jumped in the que and went into Beyond @ Area! I'm not going to go into detail about beyond because frankly.. I can't remember much! I danced for about 6 hours straight! pure house music! is AMAZING! then after that headed off to Later @ Fire! The day time rave where i bumped into a few friendly faces, danced with my acsess all areas pass and sunglasses on the dance floors, probably looking like a right dick! LOL

That lasted till about 7 that night then i headed off to the royal vauxhall tavern and then off to a chill out for a few days then back to soho then HOME!
I had the best time EVER! Forgot how much fun raving for days was, & I can't go into details like usual about what i went up to because.. I'd probably get arrested! hahaha!

MUAH xoxoxoxo

Tuesday 9 July 2013

With Love xx

I remember the first time i met Jai , I was a chill out in West Ealing at a friends and thought wow he has amazing style! I remember when someone offered me a bump I would drag you to to the toilet too so we could be sneaky and bump together! I remember dancing in front of the mirror with you and giving you one of my cross earrings so we could both have a matching one.. I remember listening to your stories about how you lived in italy and being SO jealous!

Our matching Creepers!

I remember bumping into you in Soho with Robyn and dragging you to the toilet for a bump then running off with you to a chill out and having a fucking amazing time, walking to the shop and them boys shouting stuff at us but we didn't give a shit cause we were too high! haha... Then the meth running out so we went on a major trek from madia vale to lewisham on all night buses in the rain to a chill out were we were promised meth and there was nothing there, I remember being sick the back of the night bus & Robyn wee'ing and that's how i knew you were a friend cause you didn't bat an eyelid.. then i stole that boys t-shirt and wore it to cover my hair in the rain (I'm wearing it now <3)

I remember being at jules's bumping and heard jules's on the phone to you and as soon as you came i gave you a bump then dragged you outside for a cigarette and a gossip, we were talking about robyn and how she had passed and how sad it was :(
Then running to vauxhall (litterally running though brentford to catch a train) so we could get free entry.. & you were putting on your AMAZING rings on the train, you always made nights so much fun!

I would always get messages from you asking for me to come to chill outs with you and I wish now i wasn't so lazy and actually went and made more memories with you!

& this past weekend I was in later at got a message it was a rumor you was dead.. I didn't believe it!
Then a couple hours later it got confirmed to me that you had passed, I still didn't believe it, after seeing my friends cry i still couldn't believe it. after being with you and robyn and couple months back how could you both be gone!

It hit me on the dance floor i was dancing to house music pretending to be happy when it hit me, i was never going to see you again, and i ran to the toilet and cried.

Jai P, words can't express how sad i am to hear that you passed, you had to much style, talent, kindness, attitude and had such a good aura about you!

now whenever i look at the cross tattoo on my arm it will always remind me of you and that chill out ;)

Love you Babes!

Saturday 1 June 2013

My Day At Richmond Park...

So like I said in my last blog post.. I'm trying to be more healthy and active so since it was a nice day thought I would take a walk round Richmond park with my sister!

 as you can see I was in the mood to take pictures, This park has SO much to offer, stunning views, great walking spots.. deer just roaming about.
It's the perfect place to have a picnic .. go for a drive through or take some amazing photography.
Hope you liked the photos

Back to square one..

So after not blogging for a while a lot has changed! I lost my job (long story turns out the company were a bit dodgy) and I swear I've put loads of weight on!
SO.. back to the drawing board!
Today I went on a 6 mile walk round Richmond park and then had a healthy dinner.. no more distractions this time I'm fucking determined!
Also majorly Job hunting.. I did go on a interview last week and then a second one but I just didn't understand so left half way through! haha (don't recommended that one!)
so yeah basically this month I've got a lot of fun nights out /days out planned witch will end up in a funny situation so I'll be blogging about them! Just need to regain my focus!


Friday 19 April 2013

Postitivey Pays Off !

For the last year and a half I've been out of full time work, being going out drinking and (other stuff) most weeks and hanging around with the wrong group of people.. But about a week ago I had enough, I deleted my facebook, changed my number and blocked all communication from the wrong people...
Basically negative people who make you do bad things and are bad people are only going to bring bad things into your life.. So i got rid of it all! from now on I'm all about the positivity.

I started volunteering 1 day a week at a RSPCA charity shop, It was SOO much fun! I gained a lot of experience, Looks good on my CV makes me feel good and made some nice new friends!
& today I got a phone call from a place I had a interview at a couple months back offering me a Full time job starting monday.

So basically I just wanted to say if you were going through something similar then only have nice and genuine people who want the best for you around you, do something that you love and eventually everything will work out!

good luck xoxoxo

Sunday 14 April 2013

What I've Been Up Too..

So I haven't blogged for a while and I haven't been doing anything major but something happened recently where It just opened my eyes and I got a whole new prespective on EVERYTHING!
First of all I deleted my facebook because I feel that its Evil and nothing good comes from it.... hahaha.
I also stopped talking to a certain group of people that are no good! (proud of my self).
I've also started working 1 day a week in a boutique charity shop! I wanted to get out there and do some good and this is a great way to start!
This was just a catch up... & I'm going to start blogging again reaaaaal sooooon (:

Friday 15 March 2013

A Crazy Night Out In Soho..

So it had been about 2 weeks since I had a night out and I was gagging for a drink so decided to have a some what "civilized" night out in Piccadilly circus/ Soho.. So jumped on the tube to meet my friend in Earls court, whilst on the tube I thought it would be a good idea to drink two water bottles full of vodka redbull so by the time I had met my friend I was already tipsy.. Got off the train had a cigarette bought a couple of the tiny pocket sized bottles of vodka and shoved them in my bra for an emergency if i needed them later and we headed off to Piccadilly circus..

We decided to go into The Piccadilly institute a club there that has loads of different rooms.. and it was happy hour so why not! £4 each for a bottle of wine, be rude not to really!

Safe to say I was already quite drunk and after taking a few photos, posed with the top hats (& i bit a wine glass and broke it, casual haha) we decided to go sit in a fountain? (there was no water in it haha) and we ran quite literally to Soho.. 
Went into one of our favorite places KU bar for a quick glass of wine and a jagerbomb (it all went downhill from here!) Some of my other friends who were on the way to Soho so we went to g-a-y to have a few drinks and whilst in there bumped into some other friends ( and of course made a complete twat of myself ran down stairs to go toilet and get another drink.. whilst in at the bar i realized I had lost my purse I ran off to find it and realize it sitting on the floor and £70 was missing so downed a jagerbomb downed a glass of wine then downed my friends glass of wine i ran off to all the places to go find my money!

Obviously didn't find it and by the time I got back to g-a-y my friends were there! so happy to see them i backed one of the little vodkas went inside my friend ordered a double jager bomb poured the other vodka in it and backed it went outside for a cigarette and got chucked out! (this is where it gets bad)

we decided to go to escape but on the way i managed to lose everyone! i remember passing out on the floor screaming for my friends then getting up making it to a restaurant and then passing out completely :| to kind men helped me and rang my mum and she had to come and save me (after i called an ambulance and made the biggest scene ever crying that i was so sorry for doing this) we made it home and i crashed out and needless to say i felt like shit the next day haha!
moral of this story pace your drinks and keep your money in your bra!
